Posts from 2017-10-09

Dave Richards for October 10th.........

 ­­­­­­­­­Dave Richards for October 10th


 --You know, I’ve been working in Woonsocket for a lot of years.  I’ve seen Woonsocket in the days when I would approach them as a businessman and I’ve been treated as if it had been a good day until I walked into their office.  I am delighted to report that those days are gone.  There is a fresh spirit of cooperation which I’ve experienced first-hand and I want to tell you about it.

  A while back I realized I would need to find a new vantage point from which to broadcast the Autumnfest Parade.  I saw Police Chief Oates and asked him who in his department I needed to talk to to discuss my new plans.  Let me tell you, before I even had time to return to my office to send an email I was contacted by Lt. Colouro who offered to meet me at the site.  As it turned out, the lieutenant had some great ideas which I incorporated into my plan.  I Have always been treated well by the W.P.D., but never so positively and with such an attitude of trying to say “yes” first and then council me on how to make it work best.  My thanks to all and a hearty congratulations! 


--Speaking of Autumnfest, the 2017 edition is now in the history books.  As I write these words while the festival continues, I just have to mention a few things I’ll always remember about this one. 

  The weather.  Well, the weather is the weather, but for all the alarm and pointing at the screen that the pretty boys and pretty girls on the TV weather shows, we really had a lot of luck.  With just a few exceptions, the predicted showers and rain fell somewhere else, not on Autumnfest.  

  The Parade.  Somehow we managed to sneak that ten division gem in between showers.  Yes, the crowds were smaller at curbside this year, but they were enthusiastic.  And what a parade they saw!  Topped off by the URI – That Ram Band, who came into the park after the parade and put on an impromptu concert for early birds on Monday.

 The Fireworks.  All I can say is that display is the best I’ve ever seen, seriously.  You couldn’t even catch your breath between the barrages of salutes and color! 

  The Mega-War deserves a special mention here.  Among the highly spirited high school teams were teams from the Woonsocket High School Music Department, who came in 3rd place.  But the heart-touching scene took place after the checks were awarded to the winners and the combo team of workers from the Woonsocket Dept. of Public Works and Planet Fitness gave their winning checks to the music students.  Very, very nice. 

  Perhaps the most fun I had this year was the grudge pull tug-of-war between the Autumnfest Steering Committee and the Woonsocket Rotary club.  This single-pull spectacle took on all the theatrics of a Vince McMahon production, complete with attempted cheating and false bravado.  It was, perhaps, the best example of good community spirit I’ve witnessed in a long time.

  It all just goes to show you that you don’t need perfect weather to have a whale of a lot of fun!



--On to other topics………….as predicted, the push is on to reform the nations’ gun laws after the mass-shooting in Las Vegas.  The usual people are pounding the podiums asking how many people will die before guns are outlawed, a rhetorical question at best.  But they did get a toe-hold suggesting that an accessory used by the shooter in Las Vegas, the so-called “bump stock” should be eliminated and that may happen. 



--As the late great president Ronald Regan used to say, “there you go again.”  He’s say that referring to someone who was being disagreeable.  So we know the topic of standing up at the playing of the national anthem is a show of respect we were all taught to show.  We also know that some NFL players have been kneeling in protest at the start of many of their games.  President Trump has made his feelings known on the matter, causing many more players to protest.  Then, this past weekend, Vice-President Pence attended an Indianapolis Colts game, observed the protesting players there and raised the volume in this debate by leaving the game in a protest of the protesters.

  I won’t be long winded about this.  My mother taught me a valuable lesson when I was very young.  If I mis-behaved but I wasn’t really hurting anyone, she’d just ignore me.  Eventually, I’d get tired of it and stop.  I should let my mother lose on both sides in this controversy.  Then they’d learn.


--That’s what I think.  What do you think?  Comments to: or postal mail to Dave Richards, WOON Radio, 985 Park Avenue, Woonsocket, RI 02895-6332. 

 Thanks for reading! 









